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Find Flights from San Jose to Kona

Find cheap flights from San Jose to Kona. Use our fare calendar to find convenient flights from SJC to KOA. Our easy-to-use flight search makes booking fast and easy! Browse our best Kona flight deals using our easy-to-use flight search.

FAQs for booking flights from San Jose to Kona

What airports serve San Jose and Kona?
San Jose Mineta International Airport (SJC) is San Jose’s primary airport, while Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole (KOA) serves Kona.
How early should I arrive at the airport before my flight to Kona?
Hawaiian Airlines recommends that flyers arrive at the airport 2 hours and 30 minutes prior to their flight departure time, and you can speed up your check-in process with Hawaiian Airlines' handy mobile app.
How long is the flight from San Jose to Kona?
Depending on where you’re headed, flight times can vary. Flying nonstop to Kona normally takes on average under six hours, and flyers will travel around 2,384 miles.
What is the time difference between San Jose and Kona?
San Jose is two to three hours ahead of Hawaii, based on the time of year.
What is the best month to go to Kona?
Summer and even winter are always great seasons for enjoying the exceptional beaches and outdoors of Kona though any time of the year is a great time to visit Hawaii.
How can I find the best deals on flights from San Jose to Kona?
The best flight deals for flights from San Jose to Kona can be found using the Hawaiian Airlines website or mobile app.
Is it possible to island-hop to other Hawaiian islands from Kona?
Yes, with Hawaiian Airlines’ comprehensive selection of interisland flight routes, you can easily island-hop your way around Hawaii from Kona. Interisland flights with Hawaiian Airlines generally take anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes on average.
How can I get from the airport to my hotel or accommodation in Kona?
Kona Airport is located near popular resorts and aside from renting a car, ridesharing services like Lyft and Uber are available on all Major Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Airlines offers accommodation and transportation options to our passengers on our mobile app, under the “Get a Ride” section.
Are there any special entry requirements for traveling to Kona from the mainland United States?
There are no special entry requirements for passengers traveling to Kona if you’re flying to Kona from the mainland United States.
Can I learn about the history and culture of Hawaii during the flight to Kona through in-flight entertainment or special programs?
From complimentary issues of Hana Hou to educational inflight media, there are numerous ways you can educate yourself on the history and culture of Hawaii during your Hawaiian Airlines flight.

  • Authentic Hawaiian hospitality
  • Complimentary meals at mealtime
  • Flight from San Jose (SJC) to Kona (KOA)
  • Authentic Hawaiian hospitality
  • Complimentary meals at mealtime
  • Flight from San Jose (SJC) to Kona (KOA)
Kona Vacation Packages (Flights + Hotel)
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