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Find Flights from Kona to Kahului

Flights from Kona to Maui with Hawaiian Airlines

There are so many great reasons to fly to Maui, from visiting the summit of Haleakala to enjoying the upcountry breeze in Kula. And there are even more reasons to fly with Hawaiian Airlines, a leading local airline carrier that offers non-stop flights between Hawaii’s neighbor islands. With a comfortable cabin, an array of seating options for budgets of all sizes and a complimentary drink service, it’ll be a quick flight before you begin to see the peaks of Haleaka on the horizon.

FAQs for Booking a Flight to Kahului

Are there direct flights from Kona to Kahului?
There are numerous non-stop flight options from Kona to Maui with Hawaiian Airlines.
When is the best time to book a flight from Kona to Kahului?
While travel itineraries are best left up to you and your personal schedule, flying to Hawaii during the spring and fall are great times to avoid crowds and still enjoy the tropical weather the islands are known for.

Can I book a one-way ticket or do I need to book a round-trip ticket?
Flyers can either book a one-way ticket or a round-trip ticket when flying interisland with Hawaiian Airlines.

What is the best way to get from Kahului Airport to your hotel?
A taxi or ridesharing service will work, however, if your accommodation is not near the airport, it may be best to simply rent a car.

What airports serve Kona and Kahului?
Travelers in Kona will be arriving or departing from the Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole (KOA). On Maui, most flights leave or arrive at the Kahului Airport (OGG).
How long is the flight from Kona to Kahului?
Due to the close proximity, flying non-stop from Kona to Kahului is fast, with most flights traveling just over 80 miles for an average flight time of just under 40 minutes.

How early should I arrive at the airport for my flight from Kona to Kahului?
Arrive one hour and 30 minutes before your flight, as you’ll need time to get through security, check in luggage and find your gate.

Maui Travel Tips
Maui is also known as the Valley Isle, largely due to the fact that many of its wonderful communities and neighborhoods exist in the great valley between the island’s two major mountains, Haleakala and Puu Kukui.

While driving the Road to Hana is a great way to experience one of Maui’s most scenic areas, going on a guided tour of the windy road is perfect for travelers who aren’t super confident behind the wheel or who just want to enjoy the views.

Like anywhere in Hawaii, Maui rains, can come out of nowhere. It’s always best to carry a hoodie or light jacket with you when you’re out adventuring, especially if you’re going to high-altitude locations like Haleakala or Kula, which are known for having lower daily and nightly temperatures.
  • Authentic Hawaiian hospitality
  • Complimentary juice, coffee, tea, soda or water
  • Non-stop flight from Kona (KOA) to Maui (OGG)
  • Authentic Hawaiian hospitality
  • Complimentary juice, coffee, tea, soda or water
  • Non-stop flight from Kona (KOA) to Maui (OGG)
Maui Vacation Packages (Flights + Hotel)
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