Rule 65: Tickets
- Full Text
- Rule 1: Definitions
- Rule 2: Standard Format of Electronic Rules – For Tariff Filing
- Rule 4: Restricted Items
- Rule 5: Application of Tariff
- Rule 8: Guests with Disabilities and Portable Oxygen Concentrators
- Rule 25: Refusal to Transport - Limitations of Carrier
- Rule 35: Passenger Expenses En Route
- Rule 40: Taxes
- Rule 45: Administrative Formalities - Passports, Visas, and Tourist Cards
- Rule 55: Liability of Carriers
- Rule 56: Service Animals
- Rule 60: Reservations
- Rule 65: Tickets
- Rule 76: Returned Check Charge
- Rule 80: Revised Routings, Schedule Irregularities – Flight Cancellations and Significantly Delayed or Changed Flights
- Rule 85: Schedules, Delays, and Cancellation of Flights
- Rule 87: Denied Boarding Compensation
- Rule 90: Refunds
- Rule 95: Amenities/Services for Delayed Passengers
- Rule 97: Acceptance of Baggage
- Rule 100: Conditions and Charges for Acceptance of Special Items
- Rule 105: No Acceptance of Pets For International Travel
- Rule 110: Checked and Carry-On Baggage
- Rule 115: Baggage Allowance
- Rule 123: Excess Baggage Charges
- Rule 125: Excess Value Charges for Baggage
- Rule 130: Fares
- Rule 135: Stopovers
- Rule 140: Routings
- Rule 200: Acceptance of Children
- Rule 500: Passengers On Stretchers
- A ticket will not be issued and in any case carrier will not be obligated to carry until the passenger has paid the applicable fare or has complied with credit arrangements established by carrier.
- No person shall be entitled to transportation except upon presentation of a valid ticket. Such ticket shall entitle the passenger to transportation only between points of origin and destination and via the routing designated thereon.
- Flight coupons will be honored only in the order in which they are issued, and only if all unused flight coupons and passenger coupons are presented together.
- A ticket which has not been validated, or which has been altered, mutilated or improperly issued, shall not be valid.
- Tickets are not transferable but carrier is not liable to the owner of a ticket for honoring or refunding such ticket when presented by another person.
- Tickets may be purchased on credit, installment, or time payment plans lawfully in effect.
- The purchaser of an ha ticket and the passenger intending to use such ticket are responsible for ensuring that the ticket accurately states the passenger's name. Presentation of a ticket for transportation on HA by someone other than the passenger named thereon renders the ticket void. Such tickets will be subject to confiscation and will be ineligible for any refund.
- The fare paid shall only be applicable when international travel actually commences in the country of the point of origin shown on the ticket, i.e. if international travel actually commences in a different country the fare must be reassessed from such country.
Validity for Carriage
- General
When validated, the ticket is good for carriage from the airport at the place of departure to the airport at the place of destination via the route shown therein and for the applicable class of service and is valid for the period of time specified or referred to in paragraph (2) below. Each flight coupon will be accepted for carriage on the date and flight for which accommodation has been reserved. When flight coupons are issued on an "open date" basis, accommodations will be reserved upon application, subject to the availability of space. The place and date of issue are set forth on the flight coupons. - Period of Validity
The period of validity for transportation will be one year from the date on which transportation commences at the point of origin designated on the original ticket, or if no portion of the ticket is used, from the date of issuance of the original ticket.- Normal fare tickets - the above period of validity applies, however a ticket for a normal fare trip which limits the carriage to specific periods of the day, week, month or year, is good for carriage only during the period to which the fare applies.
- Excursion or special fare tickets - if the ticket is for an excursion or special fare having a shorter period of validity than indicated above, such shorter period of validity applies only in respect to such excursion or special fare transportation.
- "Open Exchange Order"/Miscellaneous Charges Order an exchange order or miscellaneous charges order issued without definite date of passage must be presented for a ticket within one year from the date of issue; otherwise it will not be honored for a ticket.
- Expired Ticket
An expired ticket or exchange order will be accepted for refund in accordance with Rule 90(e), (voluntary refunds). - Computation of Validity
When determining ticket validity, return limits and all other calendar periods specified herein, the first day to be counted shall be the day following that upon which the ticket is issued or the transportation commenced. - Expiration of Validity
Tickets expire at midnight on the date of expiration of ticket validity.
- General
Extension of Ticket Validity
Carrier's operations if a passenger is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of his ticket because carrier:- Cancels the flight upon which the passenger holds confirmed space;
- Omits a scheduled stop, provided this is the passenger's place of departure, place of destination, or place of stopover;
- Fails to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule;
- Causes the passenger to miss a connection;
- Substitutes a different class of service; or
- Is unable to provide previously confirmed space; carrier will, without additional collection of fare, extend the validity of such passenger's ticket until the first service of carrier, on the class for which the fare has been paid, on which space is available, but not for more than 30 days.
- Extension of ticket validity and waiver of minimum/maximum
stay provisions
- In the event of death of a family member not accompanying passenger in the event a passenger holding a special fare ticket returns prior to the expiry of the minimum stay requirement because of the death of an immediate family member not accompanying him, such passenger will be entitled to a refund of additional amounts paid in order to return early. However, no refund will be permitted unless the passenger is able to produce a death certificate attesting to the fact of the death after commencement of travel of such family member.
- (a) medical reasons
Ticket Extension
When a passenger is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of his ticket by reason of illness, carrier will extend the period of validity of such passenger's ticket until the date when he becomes fit to travel according to a medical certificate, or until the first service becomes available on the class for which the fare has been paid on the carrier on which space is available after such date from the point where the journey is resumed or from the last connecting point. Provided, that when the flight coupons remaining in the ticket involve one or more stopovers, the validity of such ticket will be extended for not more than three months from the date shown on such certificate. In such circumstances, carrier will extend similarly the period of validity of tickets of persons traveling with an incapacitated passenger. - (applicable to ha special fares between points in Area 1 and points in Area 3 - other than Southwest Pacific - via the Pacific) waiver of minimum stay requirements when a ticket is sold at a special fare containing a minimum-stay requirement, the minimum-stay requirement will be waived when the passenger by reason of illness, substantiated by a medical certificate attesting to the illness of such passenger after passenger's commencement of travel, desires to commence return travel prior to the minimum-stay period. The passenger will be permitted to return at the special fare paid. No refund will be made unless travel at applicable fares results in an amount less than the special fare originally purchased at the commencement of travel from the point of origin. The ticket must be endorsed "early return on account of illness of (name of passenger)." A copy of the medical certificate must be retained in the carrier's files for a minimum period of two years. The same provisions will apply to immediate family member(s) accompanying the passenger. Note: for the purpose of this rule, "immediate family" means: spouse, children (including adopted children), parents, brothers, and sisters. The term also encompasses fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law.
(b) In the event of a passenger's death - provisions for accompanying passengers- Extension of ticket validity for normal fares and
waiver of maximum stay requirements of special fares
- (aa) Carrier will extend the ticket validity of persons accompanying a deceased passenger for no longer than 45 days after the date of death of that passenger.
- (bb) A death certificate (or a copy) duly executed by the competent authorities (i.e., those designated to issue a death certificate by the applicable laws of the country concerned) in the country in which death occurred must be presented at the time of reticketing and a copy retained in the carrier's files for a minimum period of 2 years.
- Waiver of minimum stay requirements - special fares
- (aa) In the event of the death of a passenger en route, the minimum stay and group travel requirements with regard to any special fares will be waived for passengers who are either members of the immediate family of the deceased passenger or are other persons actually accompanying the deceased passenger.
- (bb) The ticket must be endorsed "earlier return on account of death of . . . . . (name of passenger).
- (cc) A death certificate (or a copy) duly executed by the competent authorities (i.e., those designated to issue a death certificate by the applicable laws of the country concerned) in the country in which death occurred must be presented to the reticketing carrier at the time of reticketing. Passenger will be accommodated under this provision only in the class of service originally ticketed.
- (dd) If the death certificate is not available at the time passenger is to travel, or, if the carrier has reason to doubt the validity of such certificate, passenger will be accommodated only upon payment of the fare applicable to transportation actually used, and a request for refund may be filed with the carrier. Upon receipt of the claim form and all supporting documents, carrier will determine the validity of the claim, and if valid, will refund to the passenger the difference between the total fares paid by the passenger and the amount such passenger would have paid under the provisions of this rule.
- (ee) The provisions of this rule will also apply to members of the immediate travel party who accompany the passenger.
Ticket Extension
- Coupon sequence and production of the ticket flight coupons must be used in sequence from the place of departure as shown on the passenger coupon. The passenger throughout his journey must retain the passenger coupon and all flight coupons of the ticket not previously surrendered to carrier. He must, when required, produce the ticket and surrender any applicable portion to carrier.
- Absence, loss, or irregularities of ticket
- Carrier is not obligated to accept a ticket if any part of it is mutilated or if it has been altered by other than carrier or if it is presented without the passenger coupon and all unused flight coupons.
- Carrier will refuse carriage to any person not in possession of a valid ticket. In case of loss or nonpresentation of the ticket or the applicable portion thereof, carriage will not be furnished for that part of the trip covered by such ticket or portion thereof until the passenger purchases another ticket at the current applicable fare for the carriage to be performed.
- Nontransferability
A ticket is not transferable, but carrier shall not be liable to the person entitled to be transported or to the person entitled to receive such refund for honoring or refunding such ticket when presented by someone other than the person entitled to be transported thereunder or to a refund in connection therewith. If a ticket is in fact used by any person other than the person to whom it was issued, carrier will not be liable for the destruction, damage, or delay of such unauthorized person's baggage or other personal property or the death or injury of such unauthorized persons arising from or in connection with such unauthorized use. - Issuance of Ticket Stock
The carrier will issue to a person a stock of tickets and validating stamp for the purpose of issuing tickets for transportation, subject to (1) reasonable credit requirements and (2) entering into a written agreement authorizing the issuance of tickets and providing for accounting, reservations, and ticketing procedures and provisions protecting the carrier from loss or misuse of the tickets. - Ticket Number Requirement
For fares requiring an advance purchase ticket, numbers must be forwarded to ha by the ticketing time limit. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of reservations.
Currency of Payment
Except as otherwise provided below, fares and charges are
payable in any currency acceptable to carrier. When payment is
made in a currency other than the currency in which the fare is
published, such payment will be made at the rate of exchange
established for such purpose by carrier, the current statement
of which is available for inspection by the passenger at
carrier's office where the ticket is purchased. The provisions
of this paragraph are subject to applicable exchange laws and
government regulations.
- Payment of fares for travel originating in the U.S.A. shall be in U.S. currency.
- Payment of fares for travel originating in Canada shall be in Canadian currency.
- Payment of fares for travel originating at a point outside the U.S.A. and destined to a point in the U.S. shall be in the currency of the country of origin, except as provided in (d) below.
- Payment of fares for travel originating at a point outside the U.S.A. or Canada destined to a point in the U.S.A. or Canada may also be made in U.S. or Canada in dollars when the fare in the currency of the country of origin is converted to dollars at the local banker's buying rate of exchange.
- In case of cancellation or rerouting which results in a
partial refund of the original fare, the value of the unused
portion of the ticket shall be calculated in the currency of
the country of transportation origination. Such amount may be
refunded in the currency of the country of transportation
origination or may be converted into the currency of the
country of refund or reissuance at the local bankers buying
rate in effect at the time refund takes place.
Note: Carrier will pay the refund in the same form (i.e., cash, check, credit card, etc.) that was used in purchasing the original transportation document. Carrier, in making the refund, will observe any refund restriction that may be published in the applicable rules governing the original transportation document. Further, carrier will observe any government or carrier restriction imposed on the conversion and refund of currencies outside the country whose currency was originally collected. - Where an additional collection is to be made as a result of the rerouting, the additional amount may be collected in the currency of the country of transportation originating or may be converted into the currency of the country in which the rerouting takes place at the local bankers buying rate in effect at the time of rerouting. *Such amount shall not be greater than the fare published in the currency of country of transportation origination for the transportation actually used and/or to be used.
- "Banker's Buying Rate" means the rate at which, for the
purpose of the transfer of funds through banking channels
(i.e., other than transactions in bank notes, travelers checks,
and similar banking instruments), a bank will purchase a given
amount of foreign currency in exchange for one unit (or units)
of the national currency of the country in which the exchange
transaction takes place. Exceptions:
- In the U.S.A., the banker's buying rate means the rate published each Tuesday in the wall street journal under the heading of "selling prices for bank transfers in the U.S. for payment abroad." This rate will be applicable from Wednesday of each week up to and including the Tuesday of the following week.
- In the case of Belgium, France, and Italy where two rates (commercial and financial) are shown, the commercial rate shall be used.
- When a national holiday falls on Monday, foreign exchange rates do not appear in the Tuesday edition of the Wall Street Journal. In such exceptional cases the previous week's rates are used through Wednesday instead of Tuesday, and the Wednesday edition of the Wall Street Journal will be used for the period Thursday through Tuesday.
- In Canada the Banker's Buying Rate means the rate published each Saturday in the Toronto Globe & mail under the heading Foreign Exchange - Mid Market Rate in Canadian funds. This rate will be applicable from Monday of the following week up to and including the Sunday following after. When exceptional circumstances prevent the publication of exchange rates in the Saturday edition of the Toronto Globe & mail the currently applicable exchange rates will remain effective until 2 days after superseding exchange rates are published. Such superseding rates will be effective through the first Sunday following their publication date.